Tapping EFT to Overcome Procrastination
Have you heard of Tapping EFT to overcome procrastination? Are there things in your life that you have been wanting to do but that you keep putting off? They may even be things that you are excited about. So, what is stopping you? There may be something from the past that you are still holding onto – a limiting belief, an old wound, or even a traumatic event. Tapping will neutralize fears, limiting beliefs, and traumatic events that we are still holding on to. Being specific with your words, while tapping, can make each session more effective.
If your goal is to build a new successful career, why are you procrastinating? Have you been hesitating registering for the best online course, such as Edison’s Diploma Program? Is becoming a Holistic Nutritionist a career move that keeps being suggested by the little voice in your head? What is keeping you from making the call? In order for the magic to happen, the why needs to be bigger than the why not. If writing things down works for you, create a list of all the reasons why you want this, what it will do for you, and how helping others will feel.
When we procrastinate, we are often coming from fear. When it refers to starting a new career or business, it may be due to fear of failure, fear of being judged, fear of not making enough money, or even fear of making too much money. Where did these fears come from? Was it something you learned by observing your family as a child? Did you hear that money is the root of all evil? Have you or someone you love opened a business that failed? Have you been led to believe that you are unworthy, not smart enough, or incapable of having a career?
These are all things that can stop you cold but where Tapping can make the difference. It’s time to bring these negative thoughts up and then move them out at a pace that is safe for your body and mind to handle. So, what is Tapping? I am glad that you asked. Tapping is a great tool that will help you move from procrastination to a point where you can actively achieve your dreams and desires.
Tapping is also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. It is now being used in hospitals, the military, by many psychotherapists, and even being taught in schools. There are over 300 peer reviewed studies proving its long-term effectiveness in reducing cortisol levels, inflammation, physical and emotional symptoms, calming the brain, and even making changes to our DNA.
In layman’s terms, it can alter our mood, help us to lose weight, and lower our stress level, improve our sleep, and help us see our lives differently. It will also take us from the sympathetic nervous system of fight or flight to the parasympathetic, rest, digest, and reset.
It simply involves repeating the things that are bothering you while Tapping on the body’s meridian points. It will even work if you just hold or press gently on the points, which is sometimes preferable if you are in public. These are the same points that are used in Acupuncture. It is an excellent way to eliminate our negative emotions, our limiting thoughts, and our old beliefs which keep us from living our best life.
When we Tap, we always begin with the negative – where we are at this moment. We give it a rating of 0 – 10, 10 being the strongest. After each Tapping session, rate yourself again. If your number keeps going down, you are heading in the right direction. A great way to end a Tapping session is with the turnaround, the positive.
These positive thoughts can suggest how great it would be to start a new career or, in particular, take a course that can help to improve your diet, lifestyle, and health and that of prospective clients. At the same time, you will learn the best way to feed your kids to help them grow to be healthy, strong, and productive. Modeling for them that anything is possible with self-confidence and hard work.
Are you ready for a career that helps you inspire others to change their habits and move towards health? Is it time to start a business that allows you to work from home or from the perfect location and create the hours that best suit your lifestyle?
Tapping can literally help us change our lives. We begin by choosing one thought, emotion, or difficulty. Rate its severity from 1 – 10, with 10 being the strongest. Choose a phrase that describes your issue and repeat it 3 times, out loud, or in your head, while Tapping on the karate chop, the side of the hand.
For example,
Even though I can’t get myself to act on something I really want, I still love and accept myself.
Even though I can’t make a decision on which school to attend, I still love and accept myself.
Even though I find myself procrastinating again, I love and accept myself anyway.
Then we begin to Tap, about 8 – 10 times, on the following points, using one or both hands:
Inside of the Brow: I can’t get started
Side of the Eye: I just keep procrastinating
Under the Eye: I want to do this
Under the Nose: I always leave things to the last minute
On the Chin (in the crease): Why can’t I make up my mind?
On the Collar Bone – an inch below the bone, in the soft tissue: I really would love a new career
Under the arm – mid bra line or one hand below the armpit: It would be great to work with clients
On top of the head – in a straight line, circle, or on the top: Why do I procrastinate?
You can stop after one round or continue Tapping for a few rounds. When you are done, take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly. Rate your issue from 0 – 10. If the number is lower, you are headed in the right direction. It is best to continue Tapping until you are at a 2 or below.
Adding Positive Verbiage to Your Tapping Session
For some issues, you may want to add a positive round of Tapping at the end of two or three negative rounds, for instance:
- Rate your issue from 0 – 10
- 3 rounds of Tapping on the Karate Chop, side of either hand:
Even though I procrastinate starting a new career, I still love and accept myself. (Repeat) - Then, begin to Tap:
Inside of the Brow: Procrastination
Side of the Eye: I just keep procrastinating
Under the Eye: I know I want to do this
Under the Nose: Procrastinating
On the Chin: I want my own business
On the Collar Bone: I would love to work from home
Under the arm: Helping people feel healthier would be amazing
On top of the head: Why do I procrastinate?
Inside of the Brow: Procrastination
Side of the Eye: I just keep procrastinating
Under the Eye: This would be so great
Under the Nose: I would love to improve my health
On the Chin: I would love to learn about nutrition
On the Collar Bone: I would love to work from home
Under the arm: Helping people feel healthier would be great
On top of the head: Why do I procrastinate?
- (After a few rounds, continue by bringing in the positive – kind of a ‘fake it till you make it’ practice):
Inside of the Brow: I think I can do this
Side of the Eye: I am ready to go
Under the Eye: I can’t wait to get started
Under the Nose: I can do this
On the Chin: I am ready to call Edison and find out about the Diploma program
On the Collar Bone: I am excited to open my own business
Under the arm: I could really make a difference
On top of the head: I know I will be a great Holistic Nutritionist
- Take a deep breath in and breathe out slowly. Rate your issue. I can guarantee that you are well on your way to a 0 or 1.
Tapping isn’t a one and done process. For additional support, you can download the free app: The Tapping Solution. The Ortners, Nick, Alex, and Jessica, offer many free Tapping audios, including Tapping instructions, as well as a yearly subscription fee for access to the locked sessions.
If you can give yourself 5 minutes in the morning, to start your day feeling more upbeat and energetic, and 5 minutes before sleep, to help set you up for a perfect state of calm, you will see remarkable changes. Transform your life through the power of Tapping!
Contact us today to learn more.