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Straw Breaths

Straw Breaths EIN Health Hint | Edison Institute of Nutrition educating you on breathing technique to improve sleep | The Best Nutrition School in Canada | Train to be a Nutritionist with Edison

I recently heard Professor Ronnie Newman, Mind Body Medicine, introduce a technique that can help us fall asleep or get back to sleep, in the middle of the night, after waking. Straw breaths for great sleep can really help us reach a restful slumber.

This is how it goes:Take a normal breath in through the nose. Purse your lips and breath out, as if breathing out of a skinny straw, at your own rate. Repeat.” To set the stage for sleep, repeat this 10x when getting into bed.

There is no need to count and it is totally natural without involving a set of instructions to make it complicated. Our emotions and our breath are the opposite sides of the same coin. If you hear a loud boom, you will hold your breath. Once you know that all is well, you will let out a long breath taking you back to rest and reset.  Use it anywhere or any time to calm the stress response. Our breath is the one hack that can quickly calm our Automatic Nervous System (ANS). #health #sleep #nutrition #edisoninstituteofnutrition #holistichealth #nutritiontips #introprogram

By Gilda Rovan, BA, ROHP, DIHom(Pract)