Winter Dehydration Facts
It’s easy to realize when you’re dehydrated in the summer. Sweating and thirst are a good indicator of when you need more liquid, and there are many warnings about heat stroke. However, winter dehydration is just as dangerous, though not as well known.
Why Is It So Easy to Get Dehydrated in The Winter?
When it’s cold out, people often will lose their body’s natural thirst response. Despite that, you can still sweat when it’s cold, especially if you are partaking of winter activities such as skiing or sledding.
Causes of Winter Dehydration
People are more likely to get dehydrated in the winter than in the hottest months of the summer. There are a variety of reasons for this phenomenon. When cold, your blood vessels constrict to help you conserve your heat. Another effect of your blood vessels constricting is it can reduce the feeling of thirst, so you won’t drink as often as you should. Also, when wearing all your winter gear, your body will go through its water stores more quickly.
Signs of Dehydration
Signs of dehydration may be harder to detect in the winter. Be sure to look out for any instances where you feel the following:
- Dizzy
- Short of breath
- Headache
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Lack of sweat, despite physical activity
Staying Hydrated in Winter
There are many food and drink options that can help keep you hydrated despite the weather. Examples include:
- Fruits: Apples, watermelon, oranges, and cantaloupes are excellent sources of hydration
- Vegetables: Particularly celery, cucumbers, and lettuce. In terms of moisture levels, iceberg lettuce has the most of any of the vegetables
- Oatmeal, soup, and smoothies contain liquid that contributes to hydration
- Green tea adds additional nutrients you may be missing
- Coconut water provides high levels of hydration
- All juices contain water. Some may include a high amount of sugar, but others have important nutrients. To cut down on the amount of sugar you’re drinking, choose fresh squeezed or mix the juice with water. This also helps to lower the potency of strong flavors or acidity.
Staying hydrated is essential no matter the season. Being aware of the signs and symptoms of dehydration can help you take adequate measures to help prevent it.
Taking the holistic nutrition course at the Edison Institute of Nutrition will teach you more about how to stay hydrated, as well as other important things to maintain and improve your health. Our classes are also available online.
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