Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer (other than non-melanoma skin cancer) and the second leading death from cancer in both Canada and the United States. Fortunately, there are holistic breast cancer approaches that have shown to be effective, in both preventing breast cancer and treating those who have succumbed to the disease.
The Standard of Medical Care
At this time, the allopathic cancer therapies include biological therapies, chemotherapy and radiation, surgery, hormone therapy, and experimental drugs.
The oncologist may recommend surgery, depending on the size of the tumor and if it has spread to other tissues. Surgery can mean a lumpectomy, removal of the tumor, if it is small, with some surrounding tissue, but saving the breast. It may be followed by radiation.
If the cancer has spread, a mastectomy, may be recommended. It involves removal of the breast and the surrounding tissue. Reconstruction surgery is often the next step, for many women, and comes with its own set of side effects.
If surgery is not an option, the physician may recommend either radiation or chemotherapy, or a combination of both, in order to kill the cancer cells, reduce the size of the tumor, making surgery an option, or to slow down the disease. For many patients, the side effects are brutal, physically and emotionally.
Hormone therapy is designed to stop or slow the progression of hormone sensitive cancer cells. It can block hormones, like estrogen, which keep the tumor growing in size.
There are also drugs and experimental drugs that prevent recurrence or slow down progression of the disease. Some have shown great promise.
A Holistic Approach for Preventing Breast Cancer
When it comes to cancer, of all kinds, prevention is easier than treatment. Proper nutrition, including a plant-based diet, the elimination of ultra-processed foods, and drinking enough clean water, plays an important role, along with building the immune system. Lifestyle changes, like getting enough sleep, the proper amount of sunlight, and exercise are vital elements in cancer prevention. Cleansing, drainage, and detoxification therapies can make a difference, especially for individuals who have had cancer and want to prevent the disorder from reappearing.
As holistic nutritionists, there is much that we can do to ease the burden of those living with cancer and to help prevent this disease from occurring in the first place.
Cancer Management and Education
Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioners (CHCPs), at Edison Institute, investigate the possible causes of breast cancer. They also look at its link to factors, such as, diet, the environment, and individual lifestyle choices. CHCPs make a real difference in their clients’ lives. They empower those diagnosed with breast cancer, with effective strategies, to complement medical care and manage the effects of the treatment. Mental and emotional strategies are provided, along with other alternative therapies and dietary recommendations, that support clients with breast cancer and improve their quality of life.
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