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Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux | Edison Institute of Nutrition | Traning Nutritionists Worldwide | Onlline Training Courses

Many adults suffer from the discomfort of acid reflux, particularly during the night. As we age, we produce less of the hydrochloric acid (HCl) needed to initiate the breakdown of protein and minerals, and, in particular, meat, like steak and hamburger.

Other foods that can cause heartburn include:

  • cheese or pepperoni and cheese pizza
  • processed meat
  • coffee
  • deli meat, like corn beef or pastrami
  • processed snack food, like potato chips and corn chips
  • fast food from the local drive-in
  • deep fried food, like chicken nuggets, potato fries, and fish sticks

The food that is not adequately digested remains in the gut, bathed in the small amount of acid that is secreted, and begins to move up from the stomach and into our esophagus, causing burping, belching, bloating, and, when we lie down, a burning sensation, heartburn. Acid Blockers, medication recomended for acid refux, will lower our HCl levels even more, exacerbating the problem. Proper chewing, digestive enzymes with HCl and Bile, taken at the end of meals, and food combining, like eating fruit alone, at least 20 minutes before a meal, can help solve this issue.

For additional information go to NPP Webinars and check out their educational webinars on digestion and the blog on Digestion, Immune System and the Microbiome.

By Gilda Rovan, BA, ROHP, DIHom(Pract)