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Diploma in Holistic Nutrition Curriculum

Curriculum Course Descriptions

Biology (BIOLT) 180 hours divided between 4 Modules

Biology courses are necessary in order to gain a good foundation of how the body operates and why things go wrong. Explore biological principles that provide a groundwork for the study of nutrition. Learn new concepts and terms and then reinforce that knowledge to test the understanding and application of the material.

BIOLT1 – Biology T1
Atoms and molecular bonds; acids, bases, and buffers; structure of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins; cell structure and function; energy and metabolism; cell membrane transport; enzyme design and function.

BIOLT2 – Biology T2
Cell division; mitosis and meiosis. Patterns of inheritance, human genetics, and DNA. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, and fungi. Plants and animals.

BIOLT3 – Biology T3
Exploring plants: plant structure, nutrition, reproduction, growth and development, and plant hormones. Examining animals; animal structure and function, homeostasis, nervous, endocrine, and circulatory systems, immunity, and senses.

BIOLT4 – Biology T4
Respiration; oxygen and carbon dioxide transport. Digestion: digestive systems and support organs, absorption, and nutrition requirements. The internal environment: body fluids, temperature, and pH. Reproduction, ecology, behavior, ecosystems, and the biosphere.

BIOL3A – The Epigenome40 hours

The complex chemical network that controls gene expression, how genes can be switched on or off, and how environmental toxins can affect not just the individual exposed but offspring two to three generations later. Recognize underlying causes of disease that affect individual genetic expression and educate the client on what needs to change in their diet and environment.

CHEM1B – Chemistry 60 hours

The basics of chemistry, chemical terms, and the periodic table. Understand the chemical processes of the human body. Matter, compounds, gases, liquids and solids, solutions, electrolytes, oxidation-reduction, electro-chemistry, organic chemistry, and energy.

EIN Resource: Lipid Metabolism Instruction Workbook and Audio by Paul Demeda CNP.

CHEM3B – Lipid Metabolism80 hours

There is a general lack of understanding of fats and lipids by many people, as well as some misinformation and controversy. In the course you will use the most up-to-date research on the role of fats in health and disease. Identify essential fatty acids and their derivates, digestion and absorption of fats and lipids, cholesterol, and CVD fats. Utilize the therapeutic value of fats and lipids for health, disease prevention and to boost energy, reduce inflammation, correct hormonal imbalance, improve cell membrane selectivity and permeability, as needed and indicated by each unique presentation.

EIN Resource: Lipid Metabolism Instruction Workbook and Audio by Paul Demeda CNP.

CLIN2A – Diet Psychology 20 hours

Recognizing the emotional consciousness behind destructive eating patterns, exploring the real needs and feelings behind food cravings, and learning practical strategies to motivate clients to make successful shifts in their choices to reach their unique goals. Develop nutritional alternatives to help the client overcome cravings, build a healthy relationship with food, and succeed with family members who don’t share their desire to change.

CLIN4 – Comparative Diets 60 hours

Discover the reasons why a one-size-fits-all approach to diets is not suitable for everyone. Utilize critical thinking and analysis to determine if a specific plan would safely and effectively produce the intended outcome for the client.

You will assess diets based on their content of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates. Identify each diet in terms of its macro and micronutrient strengths and how it may or may not promote health.

CLIN5 – Therapeutic Nutrition 120 hours

The use of diet, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other supplements to help the body correct disease conditions. Causes and possible treatments for over 70 health problems. Assess each client and identify their individual weaknesses and how it might be contributing to their concerns; supporting those weaknesses and treating the whole person; not just the symptoms the person has. Develop protocols specific to his/her individual needs.

ECOL1C – Ecology of the Soil 20 hours

This course teaches the miraculous nature of soil, illustrates humanity’s mismanagement of soil, and demonstrates approaches to better management. This includes natural building, tree planting, edible schoolyards, mountaintop removal, mycology, energy, food, water, farming, composting, and gardening. You will study soil and its effects on our food supply and quality. Learn about government policies, trade liberalization, and globalization vs. locally grown.

ECOL2C – Allergies 40 hours

Know the difference between food allergies and intolerances. How hidden food sensitivities can masquerade as almost any disease. What the relationship is with the intestines and the immune system. Recognize why people crave the very food they are allergic to and what symptoms these might cause. Identify, resolve, and overcome allergic responses.

EIN Resource: Allergies Webinar and PowerPoint with Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP, Marlene Marshall CNP, ROHP, CHCP & Gilda Rovan BA, DIHom(Pract), ROHP

HERB4 – Herbology 40 hours

An in-depth textbook of traditional herbalism consisting of 3 parts: plants and their relationship to healing and humanity; the herbal treatment of systems in the body and details about herbal chemistry and actions; and the gathering and preparation of herbs. Understand the herbs and the herbal treatment of the systems of the body that work synergistically to provide the most appropriate help to address specific symptoms. Write two detailed herbal monographs explaining the constituents, actions, medicinal uses, and contraindications.

JURS1/2 – Jurisprudence 40 hours

The legal pitfalls and how to avoid them. Regulations that affect the giving of nutritional advice, recommending or selling supplements, and collecting specimens from the human body. Understand the main laws and regulations that govern the provision of nutritional counselling services in each Canadian province. This course provides students with “best practice” recommendations for structuring their practice to comply with applicable rules and regulations to run a legally sound practice.

EIN Resource: PDF

NUTRF– Fundamentals of Nutrition 120 hours

This course is an important foundation for your understanding of nutrition. It offers many clinical pearls, combining Eastern insights and Western science. This course subject will explore nutrition from a physiological, pharmacological, ecological, and biochemical perspective. What each vitamin and mineral is, what it does in the body and symptoms of deficiency. How internal and external factors affect the body’s absorption of these nutrients. What are the food sources and what is optimal supplementation?

EIN Resource: Fundamentals of Nutrition Audio and PowerPoint with Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP

NUTR3D – Science of Food 120 hours

The principles of a healthful diet. The main food components; protein, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Detailed description of the history, health benefits, nutritional highlights, storage, preparation, and safety of many foods. How to select, store, and prepare specific foods based on nutritional highlights and benefits including food prescriptions for over 70 specific ailments. Appreciate the safety of each food, its anti-nutrient effects, possible allergic reactions, and contraindications with medications.

EIN Resource: Audio and PowerPoint with Marlene Marshall CNP, ROHP, CHCP

NUTR4B – Vegetarianism 60 hours

What are the sound principles of a balanced vegetarian eating plan and are there special nutrient concerns? How to make the transition to a vegetarian diet or fine-tune an existing one. Develop a vegetarian plan for pregnancy, childhood, and the senior years. Uncover vegetarian diplomacy when sharing meals with friends who are not plant-based.

NUTR5D – Pediatric Nutrition 60 hours

Become skilled on the intricate development of the Immune System. Learn how this process involves the organs, the glandular system, the psychological and the immunological stages of growth. Understand the difference between non-specific and specific immunity, childhood diseases and their importance.
This course teaches how natural and complementary therapies can benefit childhood issues and reactions. Understand which foods and supplements are needed by every child. Learn how to detect, prevent, and eliminate reactions to foods by planning age-appropriate recipes and meals for children.

EIN Resource: Building a Healthy Child Webinar with Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP, Marlene Marshall CNP, ROHP, CHCP & Gilda Rovan BA, DIHom(Pract), ROHP

NUTR6D – Sports Nutrition 60 hours

Planning nutritional needs for athletes to enrich performance and delay fatigue. How to calculate the distinctive components of the macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates) to gain the competitive edge and support the needs of specific types of athletic mechanisms. The when and how of carb loading, hydration, pre and post nutrition and supplementation for youth, competitive male/female, and master athletes. Includes detailed nutrition plans for plant-based athletes, weight loss, and increasing muscle mass.

EIN Resource: Audio and PowerPoint with Marlene Marshall CNP, ROHP, CHCP

NUTR7B – Environmental Toxicity 60 hours

Discover how to assess and eliminate the dangerous toxins and contamination from long-term exposure to man-made chemicals and heavy metals in our environment. How specific health problems are associated with commonly used chemicals and everyday sources that disrupt bodily functions. Acquire the means to protect your food supply and home from dangerous toxins.

NUTR8C – Nutrition & Aging 80 hours

Study the biological processes involved in aging, how the major body systems decline and what causes this decline as we age. Understand the latest theories of aging at the cellular and molecular level. Take an in-depth look at anti-aging nutrients (natural hormones, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, herbs and other phytonutrients) and cell rejuvenation. Gather specific guidance for diet, supplementation, and lifestyle to ensure the best possible health and vitality for the future.

EIN Resource: Nutrition and Aging Audio and PowerPoint with Sue Skillins CNP, CHCP, NNCP

NUTR9B – Body-Mind Nutrition 60 hours

Ascertain how biochemical disturbances and nutritional imbalances contribute to psychological disruptions that affect mental functioning. Protect your brain; boost your memory, IQ and mood; and prevent age-related mental disease. Assess your clients’ nutritional weaknesses and toxic exposure. Support them with dietary changes and supplementation to address Autism, Depression, Schizophrenia, Addictions, Eating Disorders, ADD, ADHD, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s.

PHYS1 – Anatomy & Physiology 140 hours

Connect the organization of the body from the single cell to the coördinated whole. Pinpoint detailed descriptions of all body systems, disorders associated with each, and systemic interactions required for homeostasis. You will be able to make informed decisions and recommendations about nutrition and lifestyle from an understanding of the body’s physiology and anatomy.

PHYS2B – Digestion 40 hours

Healthy digestion is critical to good health. One cannot be truly healthy without it. It all begins with infant digestion. Learn how digestion is a causative factor in many degenerative diseases. Understand the processes of digestion, absorption, and elimination and their impact on the immune system and the psyche.
Study the natural resolution for conditions, such as, acid indigestion, ulcers, gallstones, diarrhea, constipation, candidiasis, intestinal parasites, and serious bowel conditions.

EIN Resource: Audio and PowerPoint with Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP

PHYS3C – Nutritional Cardiology 40 hours

Use your critical thinking skills to recognise how scientific research has manipulated the causative factors contributing to atherosclerosis and the cholesterol myth. Delve into the physiology, the true underlying causes of CVD and its many connections. You will be able to design a nutrition plan to both prevent and potentially reverse heart disease and related conditions.

EIN Resource: Research Study and Text

PHYS4B – Nutritional Endocrinology 40 hours

Explore the endocrine glands, their function, the interconnection with each other and the connections with organs. Interpret the emotional connections to the endocrine glands. Understand the root causes of imbalance and the appropriate nutritional and emotional support to resolve them.

EIN Resource: Hormone Imbalance Webinar and PowerPoint with Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP, Marlene Marshall, CNP, ROHP, CHCP and Gilda Rovan, BA, DIHom(Pract), ROHP

SYMP1 – Nutritional Symptomatology 200 hours

This is the exciting part of the program where you will learn how to apply the knowledge you have gained to working with clients. How to structure client appointments and assessments, the nutritional analysis of bodily symptoms, and expressing nutritional imbalance. How to design custom comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle recommendations based on unique biochemical requirements. Create meal plans with recipes. If, when, and how supplementation, herbs and supportive formulas can be incorporated. You will complete 5 case studies with your own volunteers. You will receive one-on-one live instructor guidance, recommendations, support, and feedback to help ensure a complete understanding of this process. This will include live case study webinars to further your learning and confidence in this key area of practice.

EIN Resource: Nutritional Symptomatology Textbook, PowerPoint and Audios by Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP & Tracy McBurney, BA, RNCP, EMP.

SYMP2 – Advanced Nutrition Practice 200 hours

This course will expand into advanced principles of counselling and in-depth clinical assessment methods with an additional five case studies. We explore all underlying causes of disease, including the emotional connections to illness. Protocols for more degenerative health concerns, including cancer, will be taught. You will learn the nutritional interpretation of blood test results, Tissue Mineral Hair Analysis, IgG testing, and other valuable tools for assessment. We will teach you the differences between and how to implement Cleansing, Biotherapeutic Drainage (homeopathic), and Detoxification. This will be indispensable in clinical practice and not included in any other nutrition program. These additional five case studies are each marked with detailed feedback. EIN will provide you with clinical knowledge, above and beyond that taught by other schools, by teaching you to assess and address the underlying causes of health issues!

EIN Resource: Advanced Symptomatology Textbook, PowerPoint and Audio with Lynne Hinton, BSc, BEd, ROHP, CHCP.

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What Student’s Say…

“I am so grateful for all of the wonderful advice I have received from the faculty and the knowledge I have gained through the course. It is invaluable information. I would love to complete the Certified Holistic Cancer Practitioner course, so will definitely keep that in my sights in the coming year. Thank you, again for all your help and encouragement these last 3 years!”

Krista Johnson, SD USA

Edison Institute of Nutrition Graduate

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