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Do you know the difference between a Thriving Practice and a Struggling one?

Do you know the difference between a Thriving Practice and a Struggling One? | Online Nutrition Training Course & Diplomas | Edison Institute of Nutrition is a Nutrition School Training Nutrition Professionals Worldwide

The difference between a thriving practice and a struggling one these is all in your plan! Businesses fail to succeed, when they lack a strong operational plan. Having a strong plan, in place, ensures any business a profitable outcome. In our ever increasingly saturated market of health and wellness, practitioners should take the time to put special focus into the development of their business plans, which will outline profitable operational plans.

This takes research and understanding the details, pertinent to your industry, as a wellness practitioner.

Your Operational Plan to a Thriving Practice 

  • Knowing who will be your customers. (Please note there is a difference between knowing, based on fact, and knowing, based on guessing). There are many strategies, you can use, to determine who, in particular, really wants your services
  • An outline of your programs, services, and products that are geared directly towards your potential customers
  • A fee and pricing structure that keeps you competitive (not underpaid, or overcharging) 
  • Referral Program and reward system
  • Your month-to-month marketing plan (One of the most important factors!) 
  • Monthly projections and goals
  • Events calendar
  • Publicity options

These are just a few of the items required to have a functional operations plan in place for a thriving practice.

In the years that I have been in business, I have seen numerous intelligent practitioners move on from their businesses, all for the same reason. They lack profitable activity. We choose our careers, in the wellness industry, because we are passionate about helping others live healthfully. We work hard to master our chosen modalities and we all have so much to offer. However, if you are not profiting (paying the bills with some left over for fun), you can only maintain a struggling business for so long, before it will begin to suck the life out of you.

Why Businesses Fail

The number one reason that businesses, in the wellness industry, fail is because of inconsistent customer activity, which in turn, results in poor revenues. I, personally, have been there. It wasn’t until I took the time and effort to create a solid business plan, that I was able to turn my struggling business into a thriving practice. As a result of these experiences, I took this understanding, research, and a great deal of time to develop a business of wellness course. One that would help wellness professionals develop solid business and operational plans, ensuring them bigger and better successes.

The Business of Wellness Consulting Course 

This course is helping wellness practitioners create a solid foundation. From this, they can continually grow their thriving practice. They help their clients with their knowledge and skills and enjoy the rewards of long-term profitable businesses. 

The Business of Wellness Consulting course, offered exclusively through Edison Institute of Nutrition, provides you with the tools required to create a functional plan, for profitable success. For more information about this course, please contact Edison Institute of Nutrition.

Yours in Good Health 

Alisa Herriman RNCP ROHP CPCC