Holistic nutritionists, in private practice, know that motivating client compliance in following recommendations, can be a major challenge. Practising nutritionists can benefit from the mentorship and business advice offered by Edison Institute of Nutrition, for issues like overcoming resistance on the part of the client, and other common problems.
There are effective strategies you can use, to encourage your clients in their quest for a healthier body and lifestyle. Start by asking open-ended questions, during the initial meeting, to determine how nutrition fits in with your client’s overall lifestyle and health. Next, design a program with simple, attainable goals. Remember to take into consideration what your client is prepared to do and their budget, in order to ensure compliance. Your job is to give clients, under your care, the tools to help them follow your recommendations.
These are some scenarios that you may face, along with solutions you can try, in order to inspire client compliance.
Situation 1 – Getting the Client to Buy into the Program
This client wanted to lose weight but she did absolutely nothing for six weeks. She was now due for a follow-up consultation. During the follow-up meeting, the nutritionist asked questions designed to get at the root of the problem, such as:
- Are you ready to lose the weight?
- Do you believe that you can achieve your goal weight?
- What steps are you willing to take in order to achieve your goals?
- Which of my recommendations have you found difficult to implement?
- What can we do, going forward, to create a plan that is more doable at this time?
While answering the questions, it most likely will become clear that the client is experiencing problems in other areas of her life, as well, and may be feeling overwhelmed or out of control. She may have previously adhered to a well-known weight loss program that she found confusing and was unsuccessful. Together you can work on a plan that she will be able to follow. If possible, ask her to record her food intake, emotions, and lifestyle changes.
Situation 2 – Lack of Information Leading to Noncompliance
At her first appointment, this client seemed motivated and ready to change her eating habits and lifestyle, to achieve her goal of following a low protein diet, to manage her renal disease. It is recommended that people with renal disease eat just enough protein so that the compromised kidneys can remove urea, a waste product. Protein is needed to build muscle and repair tissue and is found in meat, dairy, and seafood as well as other foods.
The client was asked to eat only one ounce of protein during dinner, but elevated levels of urea in her urine showed that she was not being compliance. To solve the problem, the nutritionist may demonstrate how to determine the correct portion size. Clients are often surprised to learn that one ounce of protein is far less than she thought, allowing her to adjust her eating habits accordingly. If the client is feeling hungry, be sure to include vegetables and fruit that will help satiate her, while staying away from food that can be harmful to her condition.
Situation 3 – A Need for Planning Ahead
A client may have difficulty navigating a busy social life while on the program. If frequently invited to dinners and other engagements, at restaurants or at people’s homes, your client may be having a problem sticking to her program. She may be embarrassed to let people know that she is on a weight loss program, particularly if she has been on many such programs in the past with little success. She follows the program during the day, but in social and business situations ate what she was served. As a holistic nutritionist, you can help the her solve this problem by having her plan ahead, for upcoming events .
This can include checking the menu, in advance, when invited out to eat in a restaurant, with friends, and planning what she will order. As a guest in a friend’s home, she may not be aware of the ingredients in the dishes served. If she is not comfortable calling her host in advance, she could eat at home, and then choose wisely at the dinner party, like enjoying the salad and vegetables that are served. This will help her relax and enjoy the conversation with the other guests, instead of focusing on the food she can’t have, and feeling deprived or feeling guilty, for eating the wrong things.
Contact Edison Institute of Nutrition Today
Our programs combine the latest scientific research, with traditional practices, to provide you with a wide-ranging perspective on nutrition. We also provide continuing education courses for existing practitioners. Contact us today to explore the program that works best for you.