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Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Trends


Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Trends | Edison Institute of NutritionTrends come and go in fashion, home design, and even health and wellness.

New holistic wellness trends are emerging, and even some old ones are returning. If you like to stay up with the trends or you are looking for something new to experience, consider the trends anticipated for the coming year.

What are the Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Trends for this Year?

From managing your weight, to getting more energy, and even combatting stress, check out the wellness trends expected and see which ones you might want to try.

  • Moringa: Have you been on the turmeric kick? Then you are going to love the moringa trend. Moringa offers anti-inflammatory properties and still has a sweet taste, that you can tolerate in most foods.
  • Skincare Products that Beat UV Rays, Pollutants, and Tech: Your skin is regularly exposed to blue lights from electronics, UV rays, and pollutants. Therefore, skincare products are going to combat the effects of these by using lipids, ceramides, live bacteria, and adaptogens.
  • Digital Detoxification: Schedule time every day to spend away from all sources of technology, including smartphones, televisions, and more. It may reduce stress, help you regenerate your focus, get you moving more, and sleep better at night.
  • More Nootropics: Nootropics, for improved cognition, are part of biohacking that helps you unlock your energy, inner focus, and reduce stress levels. These include supplements, lion’s main, and herbs that support brain health. Scientists are hoping to open more effective nootropics, including brain-boosting formulas, stress-reduction therapies, and happiness hormone boosters.
  • Nut Milk Yogurts: Non-dairy products, especially nut milk, have been growing in popularity. More nut milk yogurts, such as almond and cashew, have hit the shelves. Several companies have been working on improving the tastes of these non-dairy yogurts so that they are equally tasty and healthy. If nut milk is not for you, you might also notice an increase in coconut milk yogurts.
  • More Kombucha: Kombucha is going to be a significant trend. While we saw an increase in kombucha products, this year will have more fermented, fizzy drink products on the shelves with fun flavours, like chicory and vanilla.
  • Stress Pebbles: A stress pebble is oval-shaped, smooth, and used for relaxation. When you rub a stress pebble, it is supposed to distract you from negative energies and help you relax.
  • Standing More: Standing desks increased and we will see even more standing trends. Prolonged periods of sitting are bad for your health. Sitting is now referred to as the “new smoking”. Expect to see more “standing” opportunities at work, in waiting rooms, and even at home.
  • Better Gut Health: This year we will see expanded awareness about probiotics and beneficial bacteria for improved gut health. You may see more products with gut-boosting fungi and products ready to boost your gut environment so that it invites healthy microbes.
  • Collagen: Collagen might be the latest addition to holistic health, because it is a clean protein powder that can be added to a smoothie to improve everything from your skin’s appearance to your gut health.

Keep Up with Wellness Trends and Expand Your Holistic Nutrition Knowledge

Colourful Holistic Food

Whether you want to implement the latest holistic wellness trends, or you simply want to take advantage of the numerous holistic health benefits, consider taking a course with Edison Institute of Nutrition.

Our team not only follows the trends, but we teach time-tested nutrition to our students, helping them improve their health and wellness for years to come.