Live cell microscopy training is a valuable tool used by holistic healthcare professionals to assess a patient’s health. By using live cell analysis, holistic nutritionists and naturopaths can observe the microbes, that are abundant in the body, and determine if the internal ecosystem is in balance. Training courses such as those available at Health House provide practical instruction for live cell microscopy, a useful method for revealing a client’s nutritional status.
How Live Cell Microscopy Works
Recent technological advances have allowed for live blood analysis through live cell microscopy, as opposed to traditional blood tests, that examine preserved blood, in a laboratory setting. With live cell microscopy, a drop of blood is magnified 1,000 times to uncover subtle changes that can be missed by other blood analysis procedures. Traditional laboratory tests look at the chemical composition and cell count of preserved blood. Live cell microscopy takes advantage of the 20 minutes that blood cells live to use a video camera feed attached to a monitor. Undesirable patterns, exposed by the technique, can then be modified through nutrition to prevent illnesses.
Observations Obtained through Live Cell Microscopy
Holistic nutritionists, trained in the use of live cell microscopy, can use the technique to determine the health of their clients. It uncovers distortions of the red blood cells, which in turn reflects the client’s nutritional status. Low levels of protein, iron, Vitamin B12, folic acid, and fatty acids can be detected. Stress on the liver can also be revealed. Live cell microscopy can show the delayed or incomplete digestion of fats and proteins. This technique can reveal altered blood ecology and potentially harmful bacteria and their fungal variants
Live Cell Microscopy Training
Hands-on coursework at Health House is designed to provide an introduction to the blood system and the role of the blood in a client’s health. Students learn to operate a dark field microscope and interpret blood cell samples. They earn a certificate in capillary puncture and a certificate for training and learning accurate methods of obtaining dry and live blood cell samples. Students are taught to assess their findings in order to make appropriate recommendations to the clients. Holistic nutritionists and other holistic healthcare professionals are instructed in incorporating the technique of live cell microscopy into their practice.
Earn a Diploma in Holistic Nutrition. We strive to provide you with the knowledge to live well and stay healthy. We are an internationally recognized school, offering online nutrition training. If you’d like to learn more about any of our programs, call us today at or contact us online.